OLD TIMES unites traditional handcraft and cutting-edge technology. The result is an elegant vintage leather with a warm table-dyed fade. OLD TIMES is often used for traditional english furniture and in chair restoration. Due to its ideal maintenance and care properties, OLD TIMES is frequently used for bar and restaurant settings. OLD TIMES is perfect for large cuts as used for benches or wall coverings.

Application: furniture, leather goods
Colours: 6 colours on stock
Thickness: 1.1/1.3 mm
Custom colours: 250 m² per colour
Delivery: from our warehouse in Bodenwerder, Germany
Minimum order quantity: 1/2 hide
Area: approx. 4.8 m² per whole hide
Raw material: Central European raw hides
Tanning: environmentally friendly mineral tanning
Care products: Mild Leather Cleaner, Leather Protector
Fire protection standard: IMO-Resolution MSC.307(88)

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